Gillies Hospital & Clinics

Name :

Gillies Hospital & Clinics

Address  :

160 Gillies Ave, Epsom

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

09 631 1900

Fax  :

09 631 1901

Web URL  :

  • ENT
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 16


Gillies Hospital a partnership between a group of specialist surgeons and Southern Cross Hospitals is located in the heart of Epsom Auckland

The hospital prides itself on being a trusted private surgical hospital with highly skilled professionals providing accessable familycentred care We value Excellence Respect Teamwork and Fairness

Gillies Hospital has been designed with a focus on short stay surgery and provides a friendly and highly professional environment

The hospitals three operating rooms are complemented by 16 inpatient beds and a same day unit Gillies Hospital is dedicated to providing excellence in Otolaryngology Ear Nose and Throat and Head and Neck surgery

In addition the hospital accommodates the surgical disciplines of Oral Surgery Gynaecology Plastic Surgery General Paediatric Surgery and Urology
Developing new oral rotavirus vaccine

Rotavirus gastro is a lifethreatening diarrheal disease that results in the death of over half a million children under five worldwide and two million hospitalisations each year In New Zealand rotavirus is responsible for 1500 hospital admissions of children under five years of age each year The research collaboration led by the Murdoch Children... Read More

Statins cut risk of bowel cancer Danger halved by cholesterolbusting pills

Pills taken by up to seven million Britons to combat high cholesterol could more than halve the risk of bowel cancer according to researchers Statins which cost as little as 40p a day slashed the chances of the disease developing by an average of 57 per cent And in patients taking higher doses of the cholesterolbusting drugs or were on them for ... Read More