Fendalton Eye Clinic

Name :

Fendalton Eye Clinic

Address  :

PO Box 29 055
10 Otara Street

Town  :


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Phone  :

03 351 3518

Fax  :

03 351 3516

Web URL  :

  • Ophthalmology
  • Phaco-emulsification and Small incision no-stitch cataract surgery.


About Us
The Fendalton Eye Clinic has a highly trained team of eye care professionals in order to deliver the best possible quality of care and results Dr Kents team consists of optometrists technical staff theatre nurse and administrative staff
Manage your asthma so you can live your life

Missing her recent swimming sports and Walkathon are just two of the downsides of having severe asthma and allergies for Aalyana Losefa And while Aalyana does get disappointed when she misses out she understands that being well is most important Aalyana is one of the nearly 300000 children in New Zealand with asthma quotAalyana has never known a... Read More

Third of diabetic patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose l

Almost one in three diabetic hospital patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose levels a report has found Hospitals in England and Wales made at least one mistake per inpatient in the treatment of 3700 diabetes sufferers in one week data showed During this period the affected patients succumbed to more than ... Read More