Ear Hygiene Clinic


Name :

Ear Hygiene Clinic

Address  :

32 Settlers Crescent

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Phone  :

03 384 4668

Fax  :

03 384 3856

Web URL  :


The Ear Hygiene Clinic is a modern facility in Christchurch offering a safe and effective means to remove troublesome ear wax or foreign bodies from the ear and assist in the treatment of ear infections through the use of microscope and suction technology

Hardened or excessive ear wax can become embedded in the ear causing pain balance problems increased tinnitus and can interfere with hearing

By using the microscope and suction technique we can ensure safe and effective means of wax removal The treatment of ear infections is also greatly enhanced through the use of suction to remove any debris and allows a more efficient use of any prescribed medicated ear drops or powders

Microscope amp Suction Ear Cleaning

A microscope or binocular glasses and suction is used by trained Ear Nurses to clean your ear canal and remove wax This is the same method used by Ear Nose and Throat specialist doctors

The nurse will wear glasses fitted with a bright light to see your ear canal up close The microscope may be used if a closer view is needed

Ear suction may be used to remove ear wax or objects from the ear canal In cases of ear infection cleaning of the ear canal will help improve healing At all times the nurse can see exactly what she is doing

This method is the safest and the most effective means of removing wax from the canal
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