Counties Manukau District Health Board


Name :

Counties Manukau District Health Board

Address  :

19 Lambie Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

09 262 9500

Fax  :

09 262 9501

Web URL  :


About Counties Manukau District Health Board
Counties Manukau District Health Board CMDHB was established on 1 January 2001 under the provisions of the New Zealand Public Health amp Disability Act 2000 CMDHB is responsible for the funding of health and disability services and for the provision of hospital and related services for the people of Counties Manukau Manukau City and Franklin and Papakura Districts as set out in the DHB functions and objectives in the Act

Working with the funding allocated by Government Counties Manukau DHB is responsible for

Collaborating with other DHBs service providers the community and other stakeholders to plan the strategic direction for health and disability services in the northern region and promote the integration of health services

Funding the provision of most health and disability services provided in Counties Manukau through service contracts with health and disability providers and nongovernmental organisations

Providing hospital based services for the population of Counties Manukau and some access to specialist or highly complex services for people referred from other DHBs

Promoting protecting and improving the health of the Counties Manukau population through the provision of health promotion health education and evidence based public health initiatives

Shared Vision
Counties Manukaus DHBs shared vision is

To work in partnership with its communities to improve the health status of all with particular emphasis on Maaori and Pacific peoples and other communities with health disparities

We will do this by leading the development of an improved system of healthcare that is more accessible and better integrated

We will dedicate ourselves to serving our patients and communities by ensuring the delivery of both quality focussed and cost effective healthcare at the right place right time and right setting

Counties Manukau District Health Board will be a leader in the delivery of successful secondary and tertiary healthcare and supporting primary and community care

Shared Values
Care amp Respect
Treating people with respect and dignity valuing individual and cultural differences and diversity

Achieving success by working together and valuing individual and cultural differences and diversity

Acting with integrity and embracing the highest ethical standards

Constantly seeking and striving for new ideas and solutions

Using and developing our capabilities to achieve outstanding results and taking accountability for our individual and collective actions

Working alongside and encouraging others in health and related sectors to ensure a common focus on and strategies for achieving health gain and independence for our population
Manage your asthma so you can live your life

Missing her recent swimming sports and Walkathon are just two of the downsides of having severe asthma and allergies for Aalyana Losefa And while Aalyana does get disappointed when she misses out she understands that being well is most important Aalyana is one of the nearly 300000 children in New Zealand with asthma quotAalyana has never known a... Read More

80 healthcare professionals attend Metabolic Dieticians Workshop

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