Christian Healthcare Trust (CHT)


Name :

Christian Healthcare Trust (CHT)

Address  :

97 Great South Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

09 522 4585

Fax  :

64 9 529 1538

Web URL  :

Email  :


About us
Christian Healthcare Trust CHT is one of Aucklands leading providers of residential care for older people We have a proud history of innovative facility design and service delivery With nearly 50 years experience we have the knowledge and capability to run rest homes and hospitals you can trust

As a completely independent Charitable Trust we can focus on meeting the needs of our residents As we have no other demands on our funds we reinvest all of our surpluses back into our facilities and our services

This focus on services is based on our strong belief that every person is entitled to be treated with respect at all times and given encouragement to retain the highest possible level of personal dignity integrity and independence

We support our front line staff in our hospitals and rest homes from the Trusts Head Office in Greenlane As part of a larger group our residential care facilities benefit from the support of dedicated specialists in quality occupational therapy physiotherapy training human resource management and finance

The Trusts performance is monitored and guided by our Board who set our future direction Throughout our history CHT has been governed by a distinguished Board of Trustees who give their time voluntarily to the Trust
New Zealand Hospitals Face Staff Shortage

A Nurses Organization survey was carried out in New Zealand which has revealed that there is a need of nearly 120 nurses at the hospital wards It is being claimed by working nurses that the nursepatient ratio affects their capability of undertaking the job As per the findings the ratio causes them to provide only basic care to patients which in ... Read More

Four days without a heartbeatbut patient fine before operation

CHENNAI It has been four days since the heart of a 56dayold man stopped beating Relatives took him to a city hospital but over 96 hours later and without his heart being revived his condition is stable as he waits for doctors to operate on him A small machine has taken over the functions of the patients heart and lungs The machine cleanses his ... Read More