Christchurch Surgical Associates


Name :

Christchurch Surgical Associates

Address  :

146 Leinster Road

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Phone  :

64 3 375 4413

Fax  :

64 3 355 3802

Web URL  :


Who are we

Formed in 1998 Christchurch Surgical Associates provides assessment diagnosis advice management treatment and personal ongoing followup care for a wide range of medical specialties It is the largest medical practice of its type in the city The surgeons in the practice are supported by an oncologist gasterenterologist and a number of ancillary staff

In addition to scheduling more complex surgery at Southern Cross or St Georges Hospitals Christchurch Surgical Associates surgeons also have the capacity to perform small minor operative procedures at their consulting rooms in Leinster Road without the need for hospital admisson

Christchurch Surgical Associates is the only general surgery practice in the South Island who are affliated providers with Southern Cross Healthcare and who have contracts with Southern Cross Hospital and St Georges Hospital to treat Accident Compensation patients with Hernias
Children with ear infections leave parents in misery survey

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