Chelsea Hospital

Name :

Chelsea Hospital

Address  :

189 Cobden Street

Town  :


State  :

Bay of Plenty

Country  :


Phone  :

64 06 867 2237

Fax  :

64 06 867 2239

Web URL  :

  • Dentistry
  • General Surgeon
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 12


About Chelsea Hospital
Chelsea Hospital is a modern private surgical hospital set within the heart of Gisborne city centre The hospital carries out a full range of elective surgical services catering for patients requiring short daystay procedures such as cataract surgery and endoscopy to those requiring longer inpatient care such as joint replacements In addition Chelsea offers medicalconvalescent and respite care

A Commitment to Quality

Chelsea is proud of its reputation of providing high quality individualised care being one of the first private hospitals in New Zealand to achieve Accreditation status in 1992 and more recently was the first hospital in the country to be granted a 4 year certification period by the Ministry of Health Being granted such a lengthy certification period is sign of the Ministrys confidence in the quality of care Chelsea provides to its patients

You can be assured that you will receive treatment and care to the highest standard with access to the latest technology equipment and nursing practices


Chelsea Hospital has a proud tradition of providing care to our community Established in 1927 by Sister Brewer the essential elements of providing reassurance respect individual care in an environment of healing remain paramount to us

In 1947 after the retiring Matron and then owner Sister Ballantyne was unable to find a purchaser for the hospital a supportive group of the Gisborne community formed a private company In 1959 the directors proposed setting up a Charitable Trust turning over individual interest to the wider community of Gisborne

Today Chelsea maintains its trust status and is registered under the Charities Commission This status ensures that all surplus funds are reinvested back into the hospital and community

Chelsea is extremely grateful for the historical and ongoing support it has received from the community and other trusts over the years
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