Chadwick Healthcare

Name :

Chadwick Healthcare

Address  :

120 Chadwick Rd, Greerton

Town  :


State  :

Bay of Plenty

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

64 7 579 0144

Fax  :

64 7 579 0151

Web URL  :


Chadwick Healthcare has been serving the Greerton area for over 40 years We are in a new building 120 Chadwick Road purposedesigned to accommodate a diverse range of community health needs including general practice rehabilitation work injury assessment elder care lifestyle counseling well child services chronic disease management and minor surgery

Our mission is to provide family oriented healthcare in a relaxed friendly atmosphere to the highest possible standardsWe believe in treating the whole person body mind and spirit We believe that to deny this is to deny the essence of being human and only through attending to each dimension of our lives is it possible for an individual to achieve wellness

The healthcare team comprises of six GPs a nursing team with multiple skills and experience plus friendly experienced patient focused reception staff
Need for better allergy research

Allergies are becoming more common and more complicated but researchers are at a loss to explain why An Australian study has found that more than 10 per cent of oneyearolds have a proven food allergy and in the past 10 years anaphylaxis had increased more than 350 per cent Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction It often aff... Read More

Weight loss pills are no good

WASHINGTON Weight loss supplements are not really effective in helping you shed weight and may have unpleasant or serious sideeffects Melinda Manore from Oregon State University reviewing evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements concluded that no single product results in significant weight loss and many have sideeffects What peopl... Read More