Birthcare Huntly


Name :

Birthcare Huntly

Address  :

5 Onslow Street

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State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

07 8287648

Fax  :

07 8287944

Web URL  :


Birthcare Huntly is a modern community based Birthing Unit situated in the heart of Huntly

We provide excellent 24 hour care for birthing and postnatal women and their whanau

This care includes postnatal stays a lactation consultant on staff 24 hour midwifery care and support Partners are invited to share your postnatal stay with you Your meals are catered for and include home baking

We also welcome transfers from hospital births including women who have had caeserean sections

We are open 24 hours a day so please feel free to come and visit anytime and meet our friendly staff and midwives

Birthing in water is an option offered to all women Birthcare Huntly has a large birthing pool which is popular and women report that the pain relief effect of birthing in water is huge Up to 3040 of women are choosing to birth in the water
Manage your asthma so you can live your life

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