Bay of Plenty District Health Board

Name :

Bay of Plenty District Health Board

Address  :

Cnr Clarke St and 20th Ave
Private Bag 12024

Town  :


State  :

Bay of Plenty

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

07 579 8000

Web URL  :

  • Dentistry
  • General Surgeon
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon


About the Bay of Plenty District Health Board
The Bay of Plenty District Health Board is one of 20 district health boards in New Zealand that are established by the government funded from general taxation and responsible for the health and independence of the districts they serve

The Bay of Plenty District Health Board serves a population of 200000 on the east coast of New Zealands North Island taking in the major population centres of Tauranga Katikati Te Puke Whakatane Kawerau and Opotiki It has the second fastest population growth rate of all New Zealands district health boards

The area that the Bay of Plenty District Health Board serves is truly distinctive offering golden sand beaches bush clad mountains and lush farmlands and encompassing a diverse range of rural and urban communities

Staff at the health board strive towards enabling communities to achieve good health and independence and ensuring people have access to highquality health services The health boards activities range from delivering health and disability services through its public provider arm at hospitals in Tauranga 349 beds and Whakatane 123 beds community health and disability services and mental health services through to support functions such as the clinical directorate corporate services and information management services as well as planning health service development funding and purchasing both public and nongovernment organisation health services for the region and Maori health

The health boards annual revenues of approximately 400 million are split evenly between public health services and over 300 nongovernment organisation health provider contracts

The Bay of Plenty District Health Board has a staff of 2700 fulltime and parttime staff including 1230 nurses and nurse care assistants and 210 specialists and doctors

The Bay of Plenty District Health Board has 11 members including the chairperson who represent the people of the region

Our Vision
Healthy thriving communities
Kia Momoho Te Hapori Oranga

Our Mission
Enabling communities to achieve good health and independence and ensure access to highquality services
Health Services To be centralized

It has been reported that the health bosses of Eastbourne District General Hospital and Conquest Hospital are planning to bring changes in the working of the health services It has been proposed that the health services should be centralized either at Eastbourne District General Hospital or at Conquest Hospital While praising the plans the East ... Read More

Mothers milk and touch best for infants health

Becoming a mother can be both exhilarating and daunting Not just first time mothers but even those who have experienced the joy of motherhood earlier can go through a period of selfdoubt wondering whether she is doing the right thing to keep her newborn safe Doctors say two simple interventions exclusive breastfeeding and maximum skintoskin co... Read More