Auckland District Health Board


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Auckland District Health Board

Address  :

214 Green Lane West

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Auckland District Health Board is funded on a populationbased funding formula that is based on where people were living on census night

Adjustments are made for age ethnicity and for the amount of specialist work provided to people outside the area ADHB has a total revenue of approximately 18 billion per year and funding of 987 million for the ADHB population

Hospital and related services owned by ADHB receive approximately 76 per cent of the budget

Sixty per cent of this revenue is associated with staff costs and approximately 20 per cent is related to treatment costs with the remainder linked to equipment capital depreciation and administration

Twentyfour per cent of total revenue is associated with nonhospital services the bulk of which is made up from Primary Health Organisations pharmaceuticals and laboratory residential services for older people and for people with a mental illnessThere are a number of Kaupapa services run by and for Maori and similar culturallybased services for Pacific people Dental services and palliativecare are also provided in the community under contact to the DHB
Manage your asthma so you can live your life

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Hospitals eye halal certification to attract patients from Middle East

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