Arohanui Hospice Service Trust

Name :

Arohanui Hospice Service Trust

Address  :

1 Heretaunga Street

Town  :

Palmerston North

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

06 356 6606

Web URL  :


About Us
The aim of the specialist palliative care service provided by Arohanui Hospice is to support patients of all ages with a lifelimiting illness based on individual need and to optimise quality of life until death and bereavement This support is achieved by assessing and addressing the physical psychosocial spiritual and cultural needs of the patient and their family whamp257nau Support is also provided for the individuals familywhamp257nau throughout the illness and after death

Palliative care is provided in such a way as to meet the unique palliative care needs of individuals from particular cultures ethnic backgrounds communities or groups These include Maori Pacific People Asian people with disabilities and mental illness the elderly and those in rural communities

The services provided include support of the patient in the community inpatient care respite care a 24hour advice service seven days a week outpatient clinics day procedures an activitiesbased day programme social work services family support pastoral support and bereavement support

All people in our community have palliative care that is readily accessible and meets their individual needs

Arohanui Hospice provides specialist palliative care services for those who are living with a life limiting illness so that they may gain the most from life

We believe that each individual is entitled to skilled compassionate and professional care We endeavour to meet the needs of patients and their familieswhamp257nau through


Arohanui Hospice began as the Palmerston North Christian Home Trust in the mid seventies and developed into the Palmerston North Hospice Service Trust in 1985 Since 1995 the Arohanui Hospice Service Trust has assumed overall responsibility and now provides a specialist palliative care service to people throughout Manawatu Tararua Horowhenua and Rangitikei

Since 1991 the facility at 1 Heretaunga Street has undergone many changes Renovations and extensions have occurred to house a growing number of services and to ensure we have an appropriate facility to take us into the future

Many people have helped along the way and continue to do so including individuals and businesses churches and community groups health professionals and the many volunteers who give their time freely

Arohanui Hospice Service Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees which is made up of 10 community representatives

The Hospice continues to work closely with community health care partners and acknowledges the special relationship and obligations the organisation has to the Tangata whenua of the region
Research targets bacteria causing kids ear infections

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Concerns in UK over feeding tube diet

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