Aranui Home & Hospital Ltd


Name :

Aranui Home & Hospital Ltd

Address  :

19 Woodward Road
Mt Albert

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Post Code:


Phone  :

64 9 846 2944

Fax  :

64 9 815 0562

Web URL  :


Aranui Home Hospital amp Dementia Unit is centrally located in both Woodward Road and Willcott Streets in Mt Albert Auckland only moments from Mt Albert Rd and the local shopping centre

Benefactress Henrietta Hughes donated her sixroomed house to the Baptist Union in 1952 as a home for elderly gentlewomen The word Aranui means a broad or comfortable path and Mrs Hughes hoped that the women living there could tread an easy path in their later years

Since then the home has expanded greatly It now covers five adjoining properties all under one roof and has become a rest home plus hospital and specialist dementia facility Its quiet parklike grounds are a popular place to relax for residents staff and visitors

Now privatelyowned Aranui Home amp Hospital offers stage2 resident care in its rest home longterm medical care in its hospital and specialist stage3 resident care in its recently built dementia unit

There is also a young persons service for people under 65 and dementia day stay for those who live elsewhere

Aranui is wellregarded by its residents and their families for among other things the quality of its care its spaciousness its high stafftoresident ratio and the importance placed on residents remaining part of their local community The latter is achieved through a comprehensive activity programme

Aranui boasts four wellappointed residents lounges a whanau room a sunny conservatory a day care room physiotherapist room hairdresser room wheelchair ramps a private outdoor courtyard and a chatterbox cockatiel named Elvis Each bedroom has a washbasin wardrobe and bed and residents are encouraged to furnish their room to their own taste
Neurosurgery Fund reaches 2 million

The Chair of Neurosurgery Fund has reached 2 million in 10 weeks though only 4 per cent of the funding so far has come from Southland Southern neurosurgery clinical director Martin MacFarlane said this was despite the fact about 50 per cent of the patients coming through the neurosurgery unit at Dunedin were from Southland Dr MacFarlane said... Read More

Freemium Medical Care Indian Hospital Shows That A Charitable Hospital Can Still Make A Profit

Aaron DeOliveira points us to an interesting documentary and related series of articles about a hospital in Bangalore India called Narayana Hrudayalaya which is providing top notch medical services to all comers and still making a profit in doing so The trick appears to be a variation on the basic concepts of the quotfreemiumquot model where you pa... Read More