Aorangi Hospital (Private) - Palmerston North

Name :

Aorangi Hospital (Private) - Palmerston North

Address  :

175 Grey Street

Town  :

Palmerston North

State  :

Central North Island

Country  :


Phone  :

06 350 1200

Fax  :

06 358 3927

Web URL  :

  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Urology


Excellence in surgical and medical services

To provide elective specialty services to the community of the lower north island

To provide a high quality facility in which doctors nurses and support staff can excel

To provide efficient high quality healthcare in a relaxed and friendly environment

To operate a successful hospital


Aorangi Hospital was originally Aorangi Private Hospital and was opened by Eve Laing in the 1930s The name quotAorangiquot was given to the hospital by the Aorangi Iwi and means quotA Cloud in the Skyquot

In 1950 the Sisters of Mercy purchased the property and began the running of the hospital as Mater Misericordiae Hospital During the 1950s two adjoining properties were purchased and the Sisters lived in these In the late 1950s and early 1960s a second theatre was added the kitchen refurbished McAuley Wing was added plus a new xray wing and a kitchenette and staff changing rooms

In 1969 the hospital was renamed Mercy Hospital The Catherine Ward for geriatric patients was opened in 1973

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw a new theatre suite opened and the complete refurbishment of the surgical and administration blocks In 1996 the Catherine Wing closed

In 1998 the Mercy Consulting Rooms was developed from the refurbishment of the former Mercy Radiology

In 2000 the hospital was purchased by a group of medical specialists and renamed Aorangi Hospital Aorangi Hospital is locally owned and operated

In 2003 new theatre extensions were added to give a total of four operating theatres New patient rooms were also added to give a total of 32 beds

In 2004 the Alan Street Consulting Rooms were opened to compliment the Grey Street Consulting Rooms
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