Albarosa Rest Home

Name :

Albarosa Rest Home

Address  :

80 Harewood Road

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State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

03 375 0727

Fax  :

03 375 0728

Web URL  :


At Albarosa we have a commitment to providing excellent services and facilities and a level of care and support which as near as possible maintains the environment of family care that dementia has forced them to leave If you are considering options for a loved one we would welcome the opportunity to show you around Albarosa

Albarosa is part of the Golden Healthcare Group

Are you faced with the responsibility of selecting a Rest Home for someone with Dementia

If you are in this situation youll realise that there are many things to check out before making this important decision
Hospitals will get a shot in the arm

District health boards are snapping up a British National Health Service initiative to improve productivity in hospital wards and operating theatres The Productive Operating Theatre and Productive Wards Releasing Time to Care programmes involve relatively lowcost and simple measures Bay of Plenty District Health Board among the first to impl... Read More

Laser attacks on pilots are on the rise records show

OTTAWAPilots flying in Canadian skies are getting hit with blinding lasers more than ever sparking calls for a crackdown on a problem that experts say threatens passenger safety Nationwide reports of aircraft getting hit with lasers was up dramatically in 2011 to 229 up from 183 in 2010 a 25 per cent jump And the trend shows little sign of abat... Read More