Vyawahare Netralaya


Name :

Vyawahare Netralaya

Address  :

V.M.V Road,
Rathi Nagar

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

0721 - 2664880

Web URL  :

Vyawahare Netralaya


Our Motto To give the best eye care of international level at affordable rate in friendly manner with safety as a prime concern

Vyawahare Eye Hospital started in 1997 was first to offer phaco surgery for cataract extraction in western region of Vidarbha We began with a modest infrastructure of 700 Sqft Hospital but soon found the space adequate for accommodating more number of patients So we renovated and expanded at the same premises with addition of many equipments in 2004 and now we have shifted in our dream project of Vyawahare Netralaya in May 2009This is the most modern spacious hospital having all the latest eye instruments
Our journey till date is very satisfactory and was limited to upper middle class segment but now we join hands with RSBY to cater our services to poor section of society

In this project any person below poverty line can avail the best of the facilities at our institute We have come up with lots of new instrumentation and procedures like lasik surgery complete refractive solution best of cataract surgery All diagnostic equipment in Glaucoma segment Immersion biometry etc The hospital has dedicated 2 full time eye consultant and visiting super specialist

We also have inhouse optical and medical shop facilities for all our patients


Our Motto To give the best eye care of international level at affordable rate in friendly manner with safety as a prime concern

Vyawahare Eye Hospital started in 1997 was first to offer phaco surgery for cataract extraction in western region of Vidarbha We began with a modest infrastructure of 700 Sqft Hospital but soon found the space adequate for accommodating more number of patients So we renovated and expanded at the same premises with addition of many equipments in 2004 and now we have shifted in our dream project of Vyawahare Netralaya in May 2009This is the most modern spacious hospital having all the latest eye instruments
Our journey till date is very satisfactory and was limited to upper middle class segment but now we join hands with RSBY to cater our services to poor section of society

In this project any person below poverty line can avail the best of the facilities at our institute We have come up with lots of new instrumentation and procedures like lasik surgery complete refractive solution best of cataract surgery All diagnostic equipment in Glaucoma segment Immersion biometry etc The hospital has dedicated 2 full time eye consultant and visiting super specialist

We also have inhouse optical and medical shop facilities for all our patients
Delay causes most deaths Neurosurgeons

BOKARO Neurosurgeons have observed that most roadaccident victims in India die due to delay in treatment of head injuries In Western countries the death of victims from road accidents is less than India as treatment of the victims there begins in 30 minutes but here even six hours are normal for starting treatment Delay in treatment diminishes c... Read More

Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More