Vikram Hospital Bangalore

Name :

Vikram Hospital Bangalore

Address  :

No.71/1, Millers Road,
Opp. St. Annes College

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

560 052

Fax  :

+91-80-7100 4598

Web URL  :

Vikram Hospital Bangalore
  • Cardiology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Urology

ICU Beds : 60

Total Number Of Beds : 225

Ambulance Contact Number : 080 45004600


We have 225 beds We need just 1 to heal you

At Vikram Hospital we share the common dream of giving you the compassionate healthcare that you deserve Our specialized services have been designed to deliver the care that is best suited to your needs Today we are a leading quaternary health care provider with Cardiac Sciences Neuro Sciences Bariatric amp Metabolic Surgery and Nephrology amp Urology as our primary specialties

Our hospital has the largest number of ICU beds 60 beds in central Bengaluru and is located in the heart of the city We have 9 Medical Intensive Care Units MICU 9 Surgical Intense Care Units SICU 9 Intensive Cardiac Care Units 12 Dialysis beds 10 worldclass Operation Theatres two of the most advanced CathLabs in the country and a pharmacy just so that your life can be made better This 225 bedded flagship hospital on Millers Road in Bengaluru has the support and infrastructure to fight with you for your health

We believe in making your concerns ours Our 24 hour human medical and infrastructural services ensure your constant comfort and quick recovery

We make sure that from the minute you walk in through our doors you are not just treated but cared for With more than 700 allied health staff and more than 70 specialized doctors we offer you a shoulder to lean on and an ear to talk to

We build care around lives allowing for natural healing at every step A good example of this is our first of its kind glass pathway in the critical care ICU that lets families be with their loved ones around the clock to be sure that they are receiving the best care

Success for us is the smile on our patients faces as they leave our hospital


We have 225 beds We need just 1 to heal you

At Vikram Hospital we share the common dream of giving you the compassionate healthcare that you deserve Our specialized services have been designed to deliver the care that is best suited to your needs Today we are a leading quaternary health care provider with Cardiac Sciences Neuro Sciences Bariatric amp Metabolic Surgery and Nephrology amp Urology as our primary specialties

Our hospital has the largest number of ICU beds 60 beds in central Bengaluru and is located in the heart of the city We have 9 Medical Intensive Care Units MICU 9 Surgical Intense Care Units SICU 9 Intensive Cardiac Care Units 12 Dialysis beds 10 worldclass Operation Theatres two of the most advanced CathLabs in the country and a pharmacy just so that your life can be made better This 225 bedded flagship hospital on Millers Road in Bengaluru has the support and infrastructure to fight with you for your health

We believe in making your concerns ours Our 24 hour human medical and infrastructural services ensure your constant comfort and quick recovery

We make sure that from the minute you walk in through our doors you are not just treated but cared for With more than 700 allied health staff and more than 70 specialized doctors we offer you a shoulder to lean on and an ear to talk to

We build care around lives allowing for natural healing at every step A good example of this is our first of its kind glass pathway in the critical care ICU that lets families be with their loved ones around the clock to be sure that they are receiving the best care

Success for us is the smile on our patients faces as they leave our hospital
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