Vijetha Hospital

Name :

Vijetha Hospital

Address  :

18-1-15,16, KGH Down,

Town  :


State  :

Andhra Pradesh

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :


Web URL  :

Vijetha Hospital
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • ENT
  • General Surgeon
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Nephrology
  • Neuro Surgery
  • Neurologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Pulmonology

Total Number Of Beds : 100

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray
  • Ultrasonography

Advance Facility

  • Medicine Facility


Vijetha Hospital is a private healthcare facility located in Maharanipeta in the visakhapatnam The Hospital employs highly skilled employees Vijetha Hospital is a patientcentered facility that focuses in providing the highest quality medical services for the patient and his family at every levelVijetha Hospital is designed to offer patients the recent evidence based medical treatment available It is fully equipped with the latest advanced medical equipments to provide care in a safe environment We at Vijetha Hospital ensure that our patients receive high standard care with empathy as we understand the importance of sense of wellbeing in fastening the healing process and promoting patient recovery


Vijetha Hospital is a private healthcare facility located in Maharanipeta in the visakhapatnam The Hospital employs highly skilled employees Vijetha Hospital is a patientcentered facility that focuses in providing the highest quality medical services for the patient and his family at every levelVijetha Hospital is designed to offer patients the recent evidence based medical treatment available It is fully equipped with the latest advanced medical equipments to provide care in a safe environment We at Vijetha Hospital ensure that our patients receive high standard care with empathy as we understand the importance of sense of wellbeing in fastening the healing process and promoting patient recovery
Work on common code for heart illness begins

When D Venkatesh a 25yearold Bangalorebased footballer succumbed to a massive cardiac arrest during a football game on March 22 experts in India debated how young Indians in metropolis including Mumbai were contracting more heart ailments But it was anecdotal information the cardiologists were referring to with no data or actual reasons to back up ... Read More

Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

MUMBAI It turns out that all those jokes about doctors scrawl are not funny at all Doctors illegible handwriting causes 7000 deaths in the US every year and another 15 million Americans report minor adverse reactionsbe it diarrhoea or rashesor even death Now a movement has begun in Mumbai asking the medical fraternity to write prescriptions i... Read More