Vashishta Clinics & Hospital for Orthopaedics

Name :

Vashishta Clinics & Hospital for Orthopaedics

Address  :

B-35, Shivalik
Panchsheel Geetanjali Road
Opp. Malviya Nagar

Town  :

New Delhi

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

011 26692361, 26691177, 64525289

Fax  :

011 26691172

Web URL  :

Vashishta Clinics  Hospital for Orthopaedics
  • General Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Pain Management
  • Sport Injuiry Clinics
  • X-Ray

Speciality Type :

Multi Speciality :

  • Surgical General
  • Orthopedic

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray
  • Physiotherapy

Advance Facility

  • C-arm Image Interior


VASHISHTA CLINICS amp HOSPITALS for ORTHOPAEDICS was started about 10 years ago on very humble note in order to provide the best facilities and opportunity for treating the difficult cases in orthopaedics A team of highly qualified and experienced surgeons headed by DrRSVASHISHTA and other specialist ie paediatric surgeon physician Physiotherapists general surgeontherapist engaged in training of CP cases are all working in unison to put there efforts in achieving the best outcome which can be compared with any other centre in the world The hospital is registered with DELHI GOVERNMENT DHS The hospital is approved US7 2 ii b read rule 3A of the income tax rule Soit is approved for exemption of medical benefits from perquisite value in respect of medical treatment in the hospital This is the basic condition for reimbursement of all claims with all government or non government organizations Because of the above the treatment can be claimed for reimbursement with all the insurance companies in INDIA or abroad CGHS patients are also covered and there are also arrangements with other hospital for the same which are on CGHS regular panel

The hospital is on panel with all the insurance companies and TPAs for reimbursement of the treatment
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