Shri Marwari Detavya Hospital


Name :

Shri Marwari Detavya Hospital

Address  :

HB Road
Guwahati GPO

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Post Code:

781 008

Phone  :

0361 2514641

Web URL  :

Not Available
New generation pacemakers at MMM

CHENNAI The Madras Medical Mission MMM on Thursday announced it would start using second generation pacemakers The hospital claimed it was the first in the country to use the second generation pacemakers that allow MRIscans to be done This is a progress from the earlier pacemakers which could fail if put through an MRI scan leading to the death of ... Read More

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Limb Saving Treatment Times Two Good Samaritan Hospital patients now have alternatives to the treatment of a painful condition known as peripheral vascular disease PVD This condition refers to the diseases of the blood vessels outside of the heart This involves the narrowing of the vessels that carry blood into the legs arms stomach kidneys and br... Read More