Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center (SMRC)


Name :

Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center (SMRC)

Address  :

108D, Master Canteen Building
Station Square,Unit-III

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0674 2300274

Fax  :

0674 2580020

Web URL  :


Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center SMRC is a leading voluntary organization working in the field of disability for the last two decades

It was 1985 when Mr Ashok Hans thought for an organization that could rehabilitate disadvantaged spinal injury victims and give voice to the disabled for their rights and equality With support and unwavering dedication from likeminded people Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center SMRC came out under the leadership of Mr Hans who sustained a spinal cord injury after a traffic accident in 1974 which left him a tetraplegic at the age of 22

SMRCs core area of intervention is to apply modern rehabilitation techniques creatively and comprehensively It has adopted the essential principle that is returning or integrating a person to his home community and work to establish a happy productive life

A humanitarian approach for universalisation of equal opportunities full participation and protection of rights for people with disabilities particularly the under privileged

Mission Statement
Commitment with passion to serve the poorest of the poor in the remotest of remote areas in Orissa while developing need based infrastructure manpower and strengthening the service delivery systems
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