Perfect Vision (Main Hospital)

Name :

Perfect Vision (Main Hospital)

Address  :

Plot No. 7,
Main Mathura Road

Town  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

91 129 4108880

Web URL  :

Perfect Vision Main Hospital
  • Ophthalmology
  • Phaco-emulsification and Small incision no-stitch cataract surgery.


Perfect Vision is a SuperSpecialty Eye Hospital that provides worldclass medical services in Eye Care and Optical Care Over the eight years of the establishment over 25 Lac patrons have entrusted us with their health Committed to excellence in the delivery of medical outcomes our team of experts comprises highly qualified and experienced medical professionals Our topnotch infrastructure and technology ensures a huge range of services and treatments to take care of every concern you may have Our team of dedicated service professionals brings comfort and compassion ensuring that your health and wellbeing remains a priority no matter what treatment youre going to undertake


Perfect Vision started in 2004 made its first mark in healthcare through its high quality Eye Care unit It comprises of a fullfledged Eye Hospital that provides topnotch eye care services in this superspecialty delivered by highly experienced medical professionals and service personnel who genuinely care about the patients wellbeing

Eye Care at Perfect Vision is a highly regarded service today owing to its ethical practices and remarkable medical results With the constant up gradation of facilities and continued levels of outstanding customer service the number of customer visits has crossed 2 lac over just 8 years of establishment
Programme to be initiated to boost organ donations

To give a boost to the organ donation programme in PGIMER authorities are thinking of setting up a network for organ sharing with public sector institutes A network between hospitals for sharing donated organs on the basis of urgency exists in South India and in Western countries like USA In the near future PGI may set up a similar network with ... Read More

Solution to hospital problem

Sudburys Health Science North HSN like many other hospitals in Canada is in crisis Recent Emergency room wait times are 19 hours long 4th worse in Ontario As a tertiary health centre the people of Manitoulin depend on this regional hospital to support our local hospitals and staff The HSN staff is frustrated The patients are abandoned in hallwa... Read More