Mohsine Millat Unani Medical College & Hospital


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Mohsine Millat Unani Medical College & Hospital

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492 001

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0771 4089636

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Not Available
  • ENT
  • General Medicine
  • General Surgeon
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Paediatrics

Other Facilities

  • Pathology


Mohsine Millat Unani Medical College amp Hospital Raipur which is running under the supervision and control of MohsineMillat Tibbee Educational Society Raipur Chattisgarh India The Tibbee Educational Society was established in Raipur city in 1990 which is a peculiar and famous Institute of Chhattisgarh State of India

This Mohsine Millat Unani Medical College amp Hospital was established in the name of freedom fighter Mohsine Millat Moulana Hamid Ali Farooqui Rahmatullah Alaihe

This Unani College is recognized by CCIM Central Council of Indian Medicine New Delhi India and is also recognized by the health department as well as family welfare department of Chhatisgarh Government It is also attached and affiliated by Pandit Ravi Shanker Shukla University of Chhatisgarh Government of India

Fourty seats for students admission in the college are allotted by CCIM New Delhi for the continuation of their medical education per year The well qualified Unani doctors teaches their subjects honestly to the students not only they complete theory but also the practical programmes with the help of best equipments amp apparatus arranged in the college premises and are fully equipped departments

The fifth 5th year of establishment of the college is going on successfully All types of facilities and requirements of a newly stand college is necessary be arranged here nicely amp skill fully with best supervision

There is a library where the oldest important books as well as the precious valuable modern subjects concerning books that is written by renowned doctors and authors are present in this library some peculiar are renowned Hakeem books are Hakeem Abul Hasan Ahmed Bin Mohammed Tibri Hakeem Abul Farah Ibnul Muqaf Maseehi Hakeem Kabiruddin Hakeem Mohammed Yusuf Ansari Hakeem Ziyauddin Hakeem Buqarat Hakeem Shafiuddin Hakeem Mohd Zakaria Bin Razi etc There is a huge and large quantity of books of different writers as others and renowned able doctors of different Pathies amp languages Unani and Allopathis books and modern research invented materials topics literatures are available here too There is precious as valuable prescriptions of old as new Allopathic substances are present in this library by which the students of this College and other are getting benefits easily without any restriction

There is an attached Hospital in this College campus in which the chronic diseases such as Gout Asthma Epilepsy Jaundice Blood pressure and other cardiac problems chronic hepatitis cholicystitis paralysis leucoderma leprosy anemia loss of appetite and weights weakness Difficult dangerous venereal diseases cancer concerning male amp female sterility amp Impotency treated here carefully by the College doctors and renowned popular city doctors of different Pathy All these diseases treated by Unani Pathy amp other systems of treatment by a team of qualified famous doctors successfully The patients are getting relief easily and they are satisfied with the doctors behavior

Some years ago a big plot has been purchased by the College authorities far from the heart of the city were the foundation ceremony was taken place on 25th November 2006 there is a map of planning for completions the new college buildings faculties of different departments administrative building staff amp nursing rooms library rooms senate halls seminar halls out door dispensary and indoor hospitals boys amp girls hostels as well as the play ground herbal garden is proposed there in planning

The free camp of treatment amp consultation for the poor helpless persons be arranged in the college hospital and different parts of the city Raipur several times in a year due to human touch The doctors of the college and other renowned famous doctors of different pathies organized in this campus The well wishers of the public of this city takes part in different angles cordially as humanly The public of different ages comes here and be checked up their diseases and problems and pay consultation and medicine for two days in a cheap rate A huge numbers of patients come to the camp and get relief and satisfaction by the doctors
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