Masonic Medical Centre for Children

Name :

Masonic Medical Centre for Children

Address  :

232, Racecourse

Town  :


State  :

Tamil Nadu

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

91 422 2220663

Fax  :

91 422 2221765

Web URL  :

Masonic Medical Centre for Children
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Microbiology
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Psychiatrist
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 90

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray


Freemasonry is found on three grand principles Namely Brotherly Love Relief and Truth The distinguishing characteristics of a Freemasons heart is Charity

In pursuance of our ideals we the Freemasons of Coimbatore decided doing some charity and the result is this Masonic Medical Centre

About Us
Freemasonry is found on three grand principles namely Brotherly Love Relief and Truth The distinguishing characteristics of a Freemasons heart is Charity In pursuance of our ideals we the Freemasons of Coimbatore decided doing some charity and the result is this Masonic Medical centreWe founded this Coimbatore Masonic Charity Trust with 15 life Trustees With the golden touch of the Beloved Founder Chairman and Managing Trustee Cav DrGKDevarajulu and the magic touch of our present Chairman and Managing Trustee Dr D Jayavarthanavelu we are growing from strength to strength for the last two decades We bought a properly measuring about 2 acres with a big building in the year 1978 and got it renovated We are using this original building for outpatient care We have constructed the new hospital building in four floors in addition to the ground floor accommodating 90 beds operation theatre an ICU ward for 10 patients and an Xray unit There is an air conditioned conference Hall at the top floor where seminars slide shows and clinical meetings are held

In 1982 we started our Childrens clinic with one Medical Officer and one staff nurse in the old building The clinic was inaurugated by our RWRegional Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India RWBro AS Rajasabai The quality care we give attracted more children for treatment and so we had to add two more medical officers and the necessary paramedical staff

When patient crowd increased space was a constraint in our old building So we planned a separate building for our medical project With the firm assurance of some non Masonic friends like Sri G Vekatraman and Sri V Jagannathan we ventured the new hospital building costing around Rs 200 lacs With the blessings of our Chairman Cav Dr GKDevarajulu and with the cooperation of our Trustee Brethren and Well wishers we could mobilize the necessary finances for this project as donations The ground floor and first floor of the hospital building was completed and inaugurated in September 1985 The new hospital building consist of general wards with 30 beds special wards with 10 beds a well equipped operation theatre and an xray centre

Both the Special wards and general wards are equipped with the central oxygen system which helps the medical officers to treat the patients effectively In due course we found the new hospital building was not sufficient for both inpatients and outpatients In the beginning of 1990 after certain alterations we converted the ground floor of the old byilding as our outpatient section floor from April 1990 The bed strength increased to 90 in our hospital for inpatients care
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