Leelawati Hospital


Name :

Leelawati Hospital

Address  :

9, Inder Nagar
Near Arya Chowk
Police Lines Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

134 002

Phone  :

0171 2550456

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • General Medicine
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 24

Speciality Type :

Multi Speciality :

  • Orthopedic
  • Physiotherapy


We at Leelawati Hospital believe in providing quality medical care to needy at an affordable price This hospital believes in holistic approach to work for the benefit of patients by providing all facilities under one roof We also consider nursing care to be as important as diagnosing amp treating the patients Specialists and SuperSpecialists are available at Leelawati Hospital making healthcare conveniently available under roof for the patients and their attendants Leelawati Hospital is a state of art 22bedded Multi Speciality Centre air conditioned hospital located in the heart of Ambala City

The project is the initiative of leading Ophthalmologist Dr Rajat Mathur and Child specialist Dr Sangeeta Mathur under the name of Dr Mathur Eye amp Children Hospital Hissar Road Ambala City on 9th March 2002 Recently they constructed a well equipped 22 Bedded multispeciality hospital having latest OTs Private rooms lift consultation room pharmacy canteen physiotherapy and a modern nursery It is the only hospital in Ambala and neighboring areas having a trauma center the nearest being P G I Chandigarh

Dr Rajat Mathur has also worked in King Khalid Hospital Saudi Arabia He has also worked with The Palampur Eye Foundation Palampur M M medical and Dental College Mullana Guru Nanak eye hospital Pehowa He is also associated with many charitable organizations like Shri OP Jindal Gramin Jan Kalayan Sansthan started by MrNaveen Jindal Member Parliament and Rotary International Ambala City where he has done more than 10000 Eye Surgeries successfully

The promoters amp propreitors Dr Rajat Mathur amp DrSangeeta Mathur supported by their mother MrsAnju Mathur have decided to make it their lifes mission to establish such an institution in North IndiaThey have decided totally to dedicate their professional knowledge and financial savings towards this project

Leelawati Hospital is sensitive to the poorer section of society Realizing the need of society poor patients will be provided free consultation and subsidized treatment
We are enclosing the various details of the Hospital for your ready reference and further necessary action

24 beds are divided into different categories to suit the masses and emergencies


2 General Ward
a Male Ward
b Female Ward
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