Raemistrasse 100 Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland)
Destouchesstr. 1 Munchen, Bayern (Germany)
162 City Road London, Greater London (UK)
Flinders Drive, Bedford Park South Australia (Australia)
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Total Number Of Beds : 434
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Advance Facility
Roche Holding AG is cutting the price of two expensive cancer drugs in India and giving them new names in an effort to gain market share and avoid competition from generic drugs in the fastgrowing economy The move marks a shift for the Swiss drug maker which long has argued that consumers everywhere should pay the same price for its medications By... Read More
Diagnosis of diseases in the past involved very primitive equipments Cutting edge technology as is seen today was not heard of in the past KG Hospital when established in the year 1974 had very few gadgets to diagnose equipments However every effort was made to import advanced and sophisticated equipments as were available in the West so as to make... Read More