Kavita Medical Centre


Name :

Kavita Medical Centre

Address  :

H. No. 5, Sector - 29,
Near HUDA Market
Near ICICI Bank

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :


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Web URL  :

Not Available
  • Cardiology
  • ENT
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 35

  • Physiotherapy


A comprehensive and compassionate healthcare services provider having 35 bedded with 8 bedded specilised NICU facilityIts a Multispeciality hospital committed to the cause by extending 24x7 hours healthcare services to the diseaseed and disstressed human beingsSpecialised departments Eye n ENT Medicine amp Cardiology Gynae amp Obstt Peadiatrics Orthopaedics Physiotherapy and counsellingEmergency services Trauma amp Surgical Centre Handdles all MedicoLegal Cases with ease24x7 PhoneoHelpline for emotional support and stress management serviceIts equipped with best technology Lab USG ECG XRAY cARIOGRAPHY DOPPLER INCUBATOR DEFIBRILATOR ETC
provide cashless medical facility thru mediclaimempanelled with approx 16 Companies 24x7 ambulance pharmacy resident doctor nursing staff canteen amp snacks bar Power backup

As a Social gesture towards the society KMC conducts FREE EYE CAMP on every 28 th 0f the Month for consultation n minor surgeriessurgeries
US medical association to tie up with 4 Mumbai hospitals

MUMBAI The peculiar nature of heart diseases among Indians is finally getting international attention The American College of Cardiology ACC a medical association whose guidelines for treating heart diseases are followed across the globe will tie up with 10 Indian hospitals including four from the city to study the patterns of heart ailments her... Read More

An early diagnosis helps families plan for the future

To help families with the assessment the Alzheimer Society has also produced a new brochure titled Getting A Diagnosis Finding Out If It Is Alzheimer Disease This brochure prepares families for the doctor appointment what to expect questions to ask and information to bring along A diagnosis can be made in a family doctors office a memory clinic ... Read More