K.T.G Chanre Hospital


Name :

K.T.G Chanre Hospital

Address  :

K.T.G Educational Campus
Sy. No. 93, Srigandadakaval

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

91 80 2836 5784

Fax  :

91 80 2336 8971

Web URL  :

KTG Chanre Hospital


Shree KTG Educational Trust amp its Institutions was established during the year 1991 SmtGAnuradha Educational Trust was Established amp Registered during the year 1998 and The National Women Empowerment Academy was Established amp Registered during the yer 2002 The Trustees are pioneers in the field of Para Medical Education with excellent track record of imparting quality education for more than 14 years and earned good reputation for giving quality education and for maintaining high standard in ParaMedical Educational Courses like GNM BScN BPT XRay Lab Technician DOT amp DMLT MPT amp now BAMS

The successful candidates of this Institutions are also placed in various reputed Hospitals in India and Abroad

We would like to have you as our student in our Institution and you will find people over here who will help you to fulfill your dreams ambitions and aspirations
Delay causes most deaths Neurosurgeons

BOKARO Neurosurgeons have observed that most roadaccident victims in India die due to delay in treatment of head injuries In Western countries the death of victims from road accidents is less than India as treatment of the victims there begins in 30 minutes but here even six hours are normal for starting treatment Delay in treatment diminishes c... Read More

Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

MUMBAI It turns out that all those jokes about doctors scrawl are not funny at all Doctors illegible handwriting causes 7000 deaths in the US every year and another 15 million Americans report minor adverse reactionsbe it diarrhoea or rashesor even death Now a movement has begun in Mumbai asking the medical fraternity to write prescriptions i... Read More