Jiwan Nursing Home


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Jiwan Nursing Home

Address  :

Chhotu Ram, Civil Road

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Phone  :

01262 254316

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Not Available
Polio to stay in india with collateral damage WHO

NEW DELHI The World Health Organisation WHO recently took India off the list of polioendemic countries but the campaign to stop the debilitating disease from recurrence will have to continue in some format or the other Eradication of polio is impossible because scientists had synthesised poliovirus in a test tube in 2002 The sequence of its geno... Read More

Hospitals are not like a McDonalds chain

It is not easy to standardise processes in the corporate hospital setup says Mr S Premkumar Group CEO Apollo HospitalsIt requires tremendous investment and years of experience he says More from Mr Premkumar on the broad trends driving the industry There is a crying need for healthcare especially private players But there are only two national hosp... Read More