Jaipur Calgary Eye Hospital

Name :

Jaipur Calgary Eye Hospital

Address  :

Malvia Nagar

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Phone  :

0141 2521384

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JAIPUR CALGARY EYE HOSPITALBrief History Jaipur Calgary Charitable Eye Hospital amp Research Centre Trust Jaipur was established on 15th April1982 The main purpose of the Trust was to establish an Eye Hospital amp Research Centre to provide all ophthalmological services to poor and needy persons The Hospital came into existence as a result of goodwill gesture from Mayor of Calgary who visited Jaipur in 1978 Though the Hospital started from 15th August 1984 yet its modern form in the present building came into existence on 15th August1986 In the construction and equipping of the hospital major contribution has been of Operation Eyesight Universal Rajasthan Govt and various Social organizations like Rotary Club Lions Club Chambers of Commerce other Trusts and individual donors from Rajasthan West Bengal Assam Karnatka and Maharashtra The State Govt of Rajasthan allotted 10 acres of land free of charge The Hospital has been a standing monument of brother hood of the people of Calgary and Jaipur
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