Government Medical College & Hospital


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Government Medical College & Hospital

Address  :

Sector 32

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Phone  :

0172 2665253

Fax  :

0172 2609360

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In view of the ever increasing population of the city of Chandigarh a second 500bedded General Hospital had become a necessity not only for catering to the needs of patients in the southern sectors of the city but also to cater for patients from the satellite townships of Panchkula and SAS Nagar The first 500bedded General Hospital in sector 16 remains choked with the flow of patients from the first phase sectors of the city and the surrounding states of Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh and western parts of Uttar Pradesh The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education amp Research located in sector 12 Chandigarh was conceived as a premier referral centre for the northern states of India

The second General Hospital in Sector 32 had been planned to serve the second phase sectors thereby relieving pressure on General Hospital Sector 16 and Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education amp Research PGIMER so that the latter could serve as a first rate referral hospital

Chandigarh best educational facilities in the country Besides the Panjab University and the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education amp Research it has an Engineering College College of Arts College of Architecture a number of Government and Private Degree Colleges and other prestigious and important research institutions Somehow the city had lacked a Medical College for graduate studies ie MBBS The deficiency was most glaring GMC provides opportunity of a career in medicine to many promising students who were denied of this opportunity because of domicile restrictions imposed by the states in which these colleges are located
Delay causes most deaths Neurosurgeons

BOKARO Neurosurgeons have observed that most roadaccident victims in India die due to delay in treatment of head injuries In Western countries the death of victims from road accidents is less than India as treatment of the victims there begins in 30 minutes but here even six hours are normal for starting treatment Delay in treatment diminishes c... Read More

Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

Transplant patients who need new lungs have a better overall chance of survival if they receive donor lungs from smokers than if they remain on wait lists new British research shows The study provides strong evidence there is a net benefit to patients receiving smokers lungs even though recipients of such organs are less likely to live as long... Read More