Gmc Hospital


Name :

Gmc Hospital

Address  :

Jhankar Road
Near Courts
Near Bhiwani Central Bus Stand

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01664 241240

Web URL  :

Not Available
Early detection can prevent most cancers from turning deadly report

Most cancers that kill Indians oral cavity breast cervical are preventable if detected at an early stage said doctors who conducted the study on cancerrelated deaths in India The study was published in The Lancet on Wednesday In 2010 23 of cancer deaths among men were because of oral cavity cancers Among women 17 of the deaths were because of ... Read More

Take the Sting Out of Shots

ARA Kids hate needles Many adults do too In fact millions of people get extremely anxious when they have to receive a shot because they are afraid it will hurt This fear of getting a shot is a major concern since children need a lot of them They need vaccinations or quotshotsquot to be protect them from dangerous diseases including measles mump... Read More