Geeta Eye Hospital & Research Institue

Name :

Geeta Eye Hospital & Research Institue

Address  :

Aron Road, District Firozabad

Town  :


State  :

Uttar Pradesh

Country  :


Post Code:

205 151

Phone  :

91 9412065185

Web URL  :

  • Ophthalmology
  • Paediatrics
  • Phaco-emulsification and Small incision no-stitch cataract surgery.


Geeta Eye Hospital was founded by Late Dr K P Singh the eminent ophthalmologist of his time He started this hospital at Sirsaganj with way back in 1948 after Indian independence Gradually he made it to a locally famous hospital In 1980 Dr D Nath after completing his residency in Ophthalmology and along with his small team started working here Gradually with his hard work and passion for his profession he bought an institute out of a small hospital Now this place is known not only nationally but globally for the quality of work and patient care This institute is especially known for its hands on training for Cataracts phacoemulsifiacton amp MD II

This institute is specifically concentrates on the sub urban and the rural setting in northern central India The country like India there is huge backlog of cataracts and it still accounts to be the most common cause of preventable blindness in India Moreover still about 10 of patients with cataract develop cataract related complication especially those who are poor and living in remote areas of India Our hospital regularly organizes screening and operative camps for these poor and the population which needed these operations badly the cataract surgeries is done absolutely free for them Our well trained medical and paramedical team goes to the remotest area in 100 kilometer vicinity and screens the patients for all ocular diseases and they are advised as well educated accordingly

Now we have most of the advanced ophthalmic facilities in our institute including vitriol retinal and refractive surgery facilities

Our main moto is vision for all as per the guidelines of Vision 2020 and especially for those people who lack money to avail the facilities available to people residing in cites and those who are rich
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