Eye-Q Super Speciality Eye Hospitals, Rewari

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Eye-Q Super Speciality Eye Hospitals, Rewari

Address  :

Garhi Bolini Chowk,
Circular Road,

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Phone  :

01274 252001

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EyeQ Super Speciality Eye Hospitals Rewari
Sassoon hospitals trauma care centre gets Rs 5 crore

PUNE Staterun Sassoon general hospital will get a stateoftheart trauma care centre in a years time Besides Sassoon the Nanasaheb Patil civil hospital in Satara and the Shahu Chhatrapati medical college and hospital in Kolhapur have received funds to start the second and third phases of the trauma care centres which deal primarily with accident c... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More