Dr. R. K. Gupta Hospital, Yamuna Nagar


Name :

Dr. R. K. Gupta Hospital, Yamuna Nagar

Address  :

Gobindpuri Road, Circular Road

Town  :

Yamuna Nagar

State  :


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Post Code:


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Web URL  :

Not Available
Leading hospitals aim to open medical colleges

HYDERABAD The biggest private hospitals in the city are queuing up to start medical colleges Almost all the premier private hospital chains like Yashoda Image Care Kamineni and KIMS have applied to the medical education department for approval to set up medical colleges In the meantime biggies like the Apollo Group and Narayana Hrudayalaya are a... Read More

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Limb Saving Treatment Times Two Good Samaritan Hospital patients now have alternatives to the treatment of a painful condition known as peripheral vascular disease PVD This condition refers to the diseases of the blood vessels outside of the heart This involves the narrowing of the vessels that carry blood into the legs arms stomach kidneys and br... Read More