Dr. Nandlal Sharma Memorial Hospital

Name :

Dr. Nandlal Sharma Memorial Hospital

Address  :

701, Sector 8

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0129 4017142

Web URL  :

Not Available
Sassoon hospitals trauma care centre gets Rs 5 crore

PUNE Staterun Sassoon general hospital will get a stateoftheart trauma care centre in a years time Besides Sassoon the Nanasaheb Patil civil hospital in Satara and the Shahu Chhatrapati medical college and hospital in Kolhapur have received funds to start the second and third phases of the trauma care centres which deal primarily with accident c... Read More

80 healthcare professionals attend Metabolic Dieticians Workshop

Out of nearly 160000 babies screened at Hamad Medical Corporation HMC for metabolic disorders in the last nine years about 270 babies have tested positive a leading neonatal expert said Professor George Hoffmann chairman of paediatrics at Heidelberg University Hospital Germany was speaking at the Second Middle East Metabolic Dieticians Workshop h... Read More