Deep Multispeciality & Trauma Centre


Name :

Deep Multispeciality & Trauma Centre

Address  :

Deep Complex, GT Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0164 5004822

Web URL  :

Not Available
Why singlespeciality hospitals are Prospering

The last few weeks have seen a lot of activity around single speciality clinics being set up by the two largest hospital chainsFortis Healthcare and Apollo Hospitals Fortis Healthcare has invested around Rs 30 crore in setting up Renkare a dialysis centre while Apollo has set up a joint venture with GSK Velu founder and MD Trivitron to launch denta... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More