Chugh Multispecialty Hospital

Name :

Chugh Multispecialty Hospital

Address  :

Shivam Complax,
Circular Road,
Meham Gate,

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :


Web URL  :

  • Colon & Rectal Surgeon
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • X-Ray

Ambulance : 1

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray

Advance Facility

  • Medicine Facility


CHUGH Multispecialty Hospital is an extension of the Dr VK Chugh and Shivam Test Tube Baby Center by Dr Renu Chughtest
The vision of the founder Dr VK Chugh is to serve poor and needy people and provides quality and reachable health care to the people of Bhiwani resulted in the present establishment

Chugh Multispecialty Hospital having more than 10 Specialists and Super Specialists for providing healthcare pertaining to Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy Surrogacy amp Embryo Donation With a vision to provide the utmost level of healthcare to the common man at the most affordable cost Chugh Multispecialty Hospital physicians led by Dr VK Chugh and Dr Renu Chugh a pioneer of Interventional Cardiology in Haryana The first and the one hospital was set up in Bhiwani in June 1990 by the name of Chugh Hospital for Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy
Chugh Multispecialty Hospital is a pioneer in the technological revolution in health care rendering services to thousands of patients from across the city to get them cured in the presence of world class facilities

Since 1990 we have helped to enhance the lives of thousands of people who have chosen us for quality healthcare services
Technological advancements aside we continue to be a leader in the industry for the personal approach we take with every patient Our professional team provides exceptional service and employs the highest standards of patient care Many hospitals across the country refer their most difficult cases to Metro Hospital This is a true testimony to the skill and knowledge of Dr VK Chugh and his professional team
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