BRWS Hospital


Name :

BRWS Hospital

Address  :

279 Kendua Main Road
P.O. Garia

Town  :


State  :

West Bengal

Country  :


Post Code:

700 084

Phone  :

033 24623229

Fax  :

033 24239353

Web URL  :


West Bengal is located in the north eastern region of India sharing a border with the neighboring country of Bangladesh It is one of the countrys poorest and most densely populated states three times the national average

As BRWS focuses on sustainable development and womens empowerment in rural areas it is significant to note that around 70 of West Bengal is rural and that 84 of its rural population is living below the poverty line Additionally women only make up close to 20 of the states workforce


To alleviate poverty in rural Bengal through womens empowerment and health care initiatives

Vision and Values

BRWS envisions a rural Bengal in which people can enjoy their indisputable right as humans such as access to health care clean water nutritious food housing and education The organization helps povertystricken communities to help themselves providing support and guidance in the communities own resourceful endeavors Great emphasis is placed on access to health care and empowering women because these are necessary steps toward sustainable development


The founders of BRWS originally united to provide aid to the victims of West Bengals devastating flood in 1978 After having interacted at an intimate level with the states underprivileged citizens and after having realized the demand for their services the team decided to dedicate themselves to a broader goal assisting rural Bengalis in raising themselves out of poverty Thus in 1981 BRWS formally registered as an NGO and ever since the organization has been working to alleviate poverty through its womens empowerment and health care initiatives
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