Biroja Hospital

Name :

Biroja Hospital

Address  :

Rongagora Road
Opp: Womens CollgeTinsukia H O

Town  :


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Country  :


Post Code:

786 125

Web URL  :

Not Available

Contact Of : Biroja Hospital

Cancer Drugs Get Cheaper in India

Roche Holding AG is cutting the price of two expensive cancer drugs in India and giving them new names in an effort to gain market share and avoid competition from generic drugs in the fastgrowing economy The move marks a shift for the Swiss drug maker which long has argued that consumers everywhere should pay the same price for its medications By... Read More

RTI forces RML hospital to adopt radiation safety measures

Countrys premier super speciality hospital Ram Manohar Lohia RML lacked radiation safety measures till an application under transparency law Right To Information RTI was filed Ghayshyam of east Delhi filed an innocous application in July 2011 asking RML whether it has taken measures to provide safety to patients against radiation from medica... Read More