Bhojraj Chandrai Sankara Eye Hospital


Name :

Bhojraj Chandrai Sankara Eye Hospital

Address  :

401/402, 4th Floor,
SEJ Plaza,
Near Nutan School,
Marve Road, Malad-West,

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :


Web URL  :

Not Available
  • Ophthalmology

Speciality Type :

  • Single Speciality : Ophthalmology


Bhojraj Chandrai Sankara Eye Hospital state of the art facility of Sankara Eye Care Institutions India offers complete subspecialty eye care for Mumbaikers

Bhojraj Sankara Eye Hospital is among the largest single specialty hospitals in Mumbai It houses a state of the art surgery centre LASIK laser and refractive centre and world class ophthalmic diagnostics In addition we also have an assistive vision centre and vision therapy unit which allows enhancement of your visual potential

The 12000sq feet specialty eye hospital is equipped with the first Allegreto Wavelight Refractive Surgery Suite the worlds fastest refractive platform enabling Femto Blade Free Laser procedure in Mumbai Equipped with LASERS and other advanced diagnostic equipment full time specialist consultants institute would offer care to a wide range of eye ailments

Specialised eye care includes
State of the art infrastructure to provide no stitch phacoemulsiamp64257cation surgeries with intraocular lens for Cataracts
Medical amp Surgical Care for inamp64258ammatory infectious and degenerative diseases of the cornea conjunctiva and contact lens related problems
Patients can opt from a range of Laser vision correction surgeries depending on their condition including Femto Second Laser blade Free LASIK
Patients beneamp64257t from our state of the art glaucoma testing capabilities and treatment as required ranging from medications to LASERs and surgery
At Sankara you are under the care of specially trained optometrists and ophthalmologists with equipment specific for examining childrens eyes in our specially equipped and designed Paediatric Ophthalmology Department
The department has the expertise for diagnosing and treating the entire spectrum of retinal disorders
The centre offers treatment of various oculoplastic conditions lid and external eye diseases In addition to aesthetic cosmetic procedures and treatment
Computer Vision Clinic is a unique service in the region which treats adults and children with binocular vision problems and perception anamolies
Sankara is your choice for a routine eye exam Here you would experience a comprehensive eye examination which would involve
Visual Acuity measures your vision and is the start of your exam
Retinoscopy amp Refraction allow the optometrist determine your glass prescription
Tonometry test may be done to determine eye pressure
A slit lamp is used to examine your eye structure
Dilatation is done using drops which take between 3045 minutes to work This allows a better view of the inside structure of the eye retina andor to obtain appropriate eye power in children
Your doctor would reexamine you and advice medication glasses specialized investigations LASERs or Surgery based on his amp64257ndings
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