Aster MIMS Kannur

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Aster MIMS Kannur

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Aster MIMS
Chala East Kannur

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Aster MIMS Kannur

Branch Of : Aster Medcity - Kochi
Associated Hospitals

25 Bangalore children have asthma

BANGALORE Changing demographics everincreasing air pollution airconditioned houses and offices and different dietary habits have increased the prevalence of asthma one of the most dangerous respiratory disorders in Bangalore A study by the Institute of Medical Education and Research across four Indian cities Delhi Chandigarh Kanpur and Bangalore... Read More

Group B Neisseria meningitidis Vaccine Shows Promise

An investigational vaccine may represent a strong lead in the fight against group B Neisseria meningitidis according to results of a phase 2 study published online in the Lancet Administered in 3 doses over the course of 6 months a new bivalent vaccine was well tolerated and induced a strong immune response against multiple strains of the poten... Read More