Arvind Eye Hospital,Tirunelveli

Name :

Arvind Eye Hospital,Tirunelveli

Address  :

Swamy Nellaiappar High Road
Tirunelveli Junction

Town  :


State  :

Tamil Nadu

Country  :


Post Code:

627 001

Phone  :

0462 435 6100

Web URL  :


Inaugurated in 1988 AravindTirunelveli serves a population of nearly 151 million people in the Tirunelveli Tuticorin and Kanyakumari districts of Tamilnadu and the Quilon Pathanamthitta Alleppey and Trivandrum districts of Kerala Its facilities accommodate 150 paying and 480 free patients The hospital is an accredited teaching institution Aravind Tirunelveli handled 478289 outpatient visits and performed 46707 surgeries from April 2010 March 2011


Started in February 1988 AravindTirunelveli serves a population of nearly five million people in the Tirunelveli Tuticorin and Kanyakumari districts of Tamilnadu and the Quilon Pathanamthitta Alleppey and Trivandrum districts of Kerala
Delay causes most deaths Neurosurgeons

BOKARO Neurosurgeons have observed that most roadaccident victims in India die due to delay in treatment of head injuries In Western countries the death of victims from road accidents is less than India as treatment of the victims there begins in 30 minutes but here even six hours are normal for starting treatment Delay in treatment diminishes c... Read More

Hospitals eye halal certification to attract patients from Middle East

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