Arunachal Pradesh- Hospitals

  Records : 1

6 swine flu cases in city hospitals put on high alert

NEW DELHI H1N1 influenza is back With six cases confirmed in the capital Delhi government has put all government hospitals on alert and directed them to follow the H1N1 protocol including having an isolation ward with dedicated staff at select centres Two of these cases were recently confirmed by the National Centre for Disease Control senior h... Read More

Going to the Alzheimer support group certainly made it easier for me

Yvonne and Laurie Schwartz have made use of their local Alzheimer Society For ten months after Lauries diagnosis they tried to keep it hidden from their friends Yvonne says quotIt was the most difficult time you could imagine Laurie didnt want people to know He didnt want them staring at himquot They eventually joined an Alzheimer support group for... Read More