Aravali Institute of Nursing


Name :

Aravali Institute of Nursing

Address  :

17A, Kartikey Society
Near Menaria Geust House
Hiran Magri

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

313 004

Phone  :

0294 2467963

Web URL  :


The Aravali Institute of Nursing provides support for nurses while contributing to the creation of a better health care system for all Indians

The goals are achieved through education and profession development for all nurses and by contributing to policy making with governments and relevant health organizations

The Aravali Institute of Nursing represent nurses at all stage of their careers providing access to the latest information on nursing practical and giving support to facilities career advancement

The focus leads to continuing benefits for health care system through developing greater awareness of the significance of nursing to health professionals relevant government and non government organizations and the wider community

On successful completion of the course Nurses can be placed in Govt Hospital Pvt Hospital NGO and they can also go abroad and get handsome packages along with name and fame

To lead the Development of the profession in line with the changing needs of the community trends in health service deliver and the aspirations of nursing professionals themselves

The Institute believes in the work anAworth of the nursing profession and demonstrates this bythe range of service providestosupportand sustain it
The Institute promotes a voice for nurses in determining the direction and future of health care delivery
The Institute respects and support regardless of difference and acknowledges individual efforts and achievements
The Institute is committed the continues quality improvement as a dynamic process of innovation and renewal
The Institute act with integrity to ensure accountability
The Institute is committedto life long learning
The Institute encourages an environment of critical inquiry and researchbased teaching and management
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