Anand Charitable Homoeo Clinic


Name :

Anand Charitable Homoeo Clinic

Address  :

216-A, Pocket 1
Phase 1, Mayur Vihar

Town  :

New Delhi

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

011 22754121

Web URL  :

Not Available
Change food habit to keep your liver healthy

Every year more than 2 lakh people in India die due to liver failure This is because of the present sedentary lifestyle where people consume more liquor and eat junk food from roadside eateries On the occasion of World Liver Day experts from the city shared tips on maintaining a healthy liver Liver has a large functional reserve and hence man... Read More

Equal Rights to Women

The constitution of India guarantees equality of opportunity and status to women and men It directs that women shall not only have equal rights and privileges but also directs that the state shall make provisions for the welfare of women In spite of the fact that women in India who constitute nearly half the population are still subjected to variou... Read More