Agrawal Orthopaedics Hospital

Name :

Agrawal Orthopaedics Hospital

Address  :

Jubilee Road

Town  :


State  :

Uttar Pradesh

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

91 551 2333102

Web URL  :

Email  :

  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 60

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray
  • Physiotheraphy

Advance Facility

  • Blood Bank


A Patient is the most important person in our hospital

He is not an interruption to our work

He is the purpose of it

He is not an outsider in our hospital

He is a part of it

We are not doing him a favour by serving him

He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so


The hospital was established in the year 1986 by Dr RA Agrawal Dr RA Agrawal after completing his Masters degree from GSVM Medical College Kanpur in 1977 was posted in Gorakhpur city as an Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Government District Hospital It was the time when only 12 Orthopaedic surgeons were there in the city With his hard work and dedication he soon became popular among the people in the city and adjoining areas He left the Government job in 1986 and established his own hospital in the name of Agrawal Orthopaedic On the same day he bought the hospital the patients were admitted and since then the hospital has seen continuous growth The hospital progressively has grown to its present form a well equipped and modern 60 bedded hospital one of the biggest Orthopaedic centers of Northern India

It was his dream that patients must get all the facilities related to treatment in one roof the patient should not need to run to other places causing much discomfort to already stressed patients Every facility related to surgery like medicine shop blood bank related to treatment like adiology physiotherapy orthotics related to indoor patients like restaurant PCO reservation of railway and air tickets is built within one campus

To add to the feather now Dr RA Agrawal is accompanied by his son Dr Rajat Agrawal a young and dynamic Orthopaedic surgeon who got trained abroad to do the latest technology Believing the dictum that best result experience latest technology the experience of Dr RA Agrawal and the latest technology by Dr Rajat Agrawal has made this centre a world class centre for treatment of Orthopaedic disorders getting the name Agrawal Orthopaedic Hospital and Research Centre

Quality treatment satisfaction and comfort to the patient this has been the motive of this hospital since last 22 years and will be in the future
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