Agrawal Eye Hospital (Avadi,)

Name :

Agrawal Eye Hospital (Avadi,)

Address  :

No:3, 1st Floor
Main Road
Kamaraj Nagar

Town  :


State  :

Tamil Nadu

Country  :


Post Code:

600 071

Phone  :

91 44 2655 1166

Web URL  :

Agrawal Eye Hospital Avadi
  • Ophthalmology
  • Phaco-emulsification and Small incision no-stitch cataract surgery.
Why singlespeciality hospitals are Prospering

The last few weeks have seen a lot of activity around single speciality clinics being set up by the two largest hospital chainsFortis Healthcare and Apollo Hospitals Fortis Healthcare has invested around Rs 30 crore in setting up Renkare a dialysis centre while Apollo has set up a joint venture with GSK Velu founder and MD Trivitron to launch denta... Read More

When healthcare seeks help

Even as hospitals increasingly adopt cloud computing there are still a lot of hurdles in the way Dr Devi Shetty Chairman and MD Narayana HruduyalayaNH wants to change the dynamics of healthcare in India He is changing the dynamics of hospitals by setting up beds at the lowest cost in as little time as possible To facilitate this NH recently tied... Read More