Aarogyam Speciality Hospital

Name :

Aarogyam Speciality Hospital

Address  :

Soham Complex,
Opp. Ganesh Tower
Near. Darpan Six Roads
Near Navrang School Circle

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

380 014

Phone  :

91 79 2646 3535

Fax  :

91 79 2640 6644

Web URL  :

Aarogyam Speciality Hospital
  • Gynaecology
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Paediatrics
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 10

Speciality Type :

  • Single Speciality : Gynaecology & Urology

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray
  • CT/MRI


About Us
Touching Human Life is our profession Motto of serving people with best of knowledge amp available technology

Aarogyam is one of the Most Prestigious Superspecialty hospitals for Urology amp Gynaecology in Gujarat which provides stateofthe art treatment for all the ailments of Urinary tract amp Women Health Issues

We are committed to provide best of the treatment amp care to our patients We are also dedicated to provide better environment and best post surgical care at the same time we timely introduce latest technology at Aarogyam

Aarogyam is a combination of excellent clinical expertise infrastructure talented staff and the availability of stateoftheart diagnostic and treatment facilities has earned Aarogyam the status of a recognised centre for advanced Urology endoscopic surgeries amp Women Health

We always think form a patient point of view and that makes us set a process to make you understand the whole approach of Urological problems Gynaecological problems and its related surgeries and benefits

Aarogyam is fully equipped with two ultra modern operation theatre with perfect blending of modern technology amp optimum safety Also having Airconditioned labour room with Foetal monitoring It is designed to provide warm amp homely atmosphere to patients 10 beds with semi special special amp Deluxe room Each Room is made alive with different colour schemes with matching linen curtains decent interior furniture wall with painting amp sofa sets The bed can be adjusted by the patient him self with the help of remote control

Apart from the above facilities the hospital is having all life saving monitors ultramodern instruments latest equipment in field of urology amp gynaecology all endoscopic amp laproscopic instruments fully remote control operation table IITV Image Intensifier TV all emergency facilities in house pharmacy amp pathology

Aarogyam Hospital is having 100 watts Holmium YAG laser machine amp All flexible endocopes for stone amp prostatic problems

Care is taken to ensure that the patient amp his family feel at home amp the staff medical amp paramedical is very enthusiastic well trained always working with a smiling face amp treating patients on the road of recovery

The infrastructure allows us to provide our patients with comprehensive care with the latest technology Diagnostic resources include inhouse laboratory CT scanner ultrasound plain xray and urodynamics all in one convenient location that keeps patients from having to run all over town We hope this tour provides a good overview of our clinic and the resources available to the patients seen here

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