A V G Reddys Charitable Hospital


Name :

A V G Reddys Charitable Hospital

Address  :

No 4, Duraisamy Raja Street
(Opp . Anna Arch)

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State  :

Tamil Nadu

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Post Code:


Phone  :

91 44 23634503

Fax  :

91 44 28290913

Web URL  :


An Expert in the preparation of Natural Herbal Cure Food Tonics a substitute for medicines for all diseases It works as the best medicine in this world to promote health without side effect for all diseases like Allergy Asthma BP Cancer Ulcer Diabetes Psoriasis Arthritis Impotency TB Jaundice Piles Cough etc A very popular Doctor in Tamil Nadu with his twenty years of service in this field

Dr AVG Reddy challenges to treat diseases without sideeffects and reactions His herbal medicines are made from edible Natural Herbs There is no side effectback effect and any negative reactions

Both diseased patients as well as healthy persons can take the natural herbal cure medicines to maintain their health in good condition The prescribed Herbal medicines given for one disease will also cure many other hidden diseases in the body For example the herbal medicines for Diabetes definitely will help to cure all Skin diseases Ulcer Allergy Heart problems Uterus problems etc In addition all the herbal medicines are prepared in such a way that it prevents diseases such as Jaundice Cancer and Kidney failure

All the herbal medicines are like the daily food that we take so there is no fear for any type of Diet restrictions at the time of taking the Herbal medicines Even patients who take Allopathic Homeopathy Siddha medicines etc prescribed by the doctors can also be taken at the same time The Herbal food tonic or medicines prescribed can be taken either with water or any other form of liquid Juice soup etc Honey can also be added to the herbal powder and taken as small tablets This mixture should then be dried in sunlight and preserved in bottle It is advised to take two to three tablets per dosage

The Herbal products prescribed by Dr Reddy which are bitter in taste and in powder forms are also available in capsules As far as regular diet is concerned it is advised for people suffering from Diabetes to take our herbal medicines along with vegetable juices such as Carrot Nooka Kovaikkai Cabbage and Ash gourd or unripe fruit juices like pineapple orange papaya in order to get the best result All the Herbal medicines here should be consumed before food so that the medicine gets digested first

All our herbal powders which are of bitter taste are available in tablets from also Hence the choice of powder or tablets is yours If a patient is prescribed 5 or more different medicines then he can mix two or three medicines together and then the mixture can be taken If possible allow half an hour interval MORNING 7 730 8 830 AM EVENING 5 530 6 630 9 930 PM between two medicines

Beverages like herbal coffee herbal tea kasayam etc can be consumed always and at any time It is advisable for patients to have vegetable soup greens soup herbal coffee and herbal tea in the routine food consumption to get rid of all diseases Our herbal products should be mixed either in water or in vegetable juicebetter choice and filtered and then can be given to children of age 3 to 10 years

For children below oneyear of age it is sufficient to take one gram of our Athimaduram powder regularly in morning and evening For 2 to 3 year children either Athimaduram or Ohmsiranjeevi can be used We specifically recommend to take our herbal medicines along with vegetable juices such as Cucumber Carrot Nookal Coccinia Indica Cabbage and Ash gourd or fruit juices like Pineapple Orange Papaya to get a quick result All our herbal medicines can be consumed before food so that the medicines should be digested first
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Third of diabetic patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose l

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